
For our 20th anniversary we decided to return to Spain and Portugal. We started our two-week trip in Malaga, the second largest city in Andalusia. Our first day out was the…

Oregon coast

Best friend Jim flew up to Portland from Arizona for his 50th birthday trip and I drove down and met him there. The next day we headed west to see…

Snowshoeing near Leavenworth

For my birthday this year Kim and I spent a three-day weekend in the mountain town of Leavenworth. A two-hour drive away, the small town is a popular destination year round…

Maui by sea

We didn’t spend all our vacation time on land. We also ventured out onto beaches and on a cruise.

Maui by land

We finally made it out to the 50th state. Kim had actually visited once before when she was 11, but this was my first trip to the Islands of Aloha….

Crystal mountain

Kim’s mother came up to Seattle in August for her annual visit. She loves our nearby mountains, so for this year’s trip we decided to visit the Crystal Mountain ski…

Orcas Island getaway

For the Memorial Day holiday we rode the ferry out to Orcas Island to visit the cabin of our friends Justin and Hanna. Located on the eastern half of the…


I left Pune on Friday night and rode back to Mumbai to spend Saturday touring around. I hired a guide and a driver and the three of us spent four…

At the office

I had a full week at the office and everyone on the team did their very best to make me feel welcome. I had a wonderful time and I even…


After a 24-hour trip that included two flights and 3-hour highway drive, I arrived in Pune late Saturday night at the bustling JW Marriott hotel. I crashed as soon as…