North America

Where we live

Las Vegas

Kim and I had never been to Las Vegas at the same time before, so we booked a trip for a long weekend to enjoy Sin City together. We don’t…

Miami and Key West

In January Kim and I paid a visit to a part of South Florida that I hadn’t visited in some time and that Kim had never seen at all. We…

Lake Chelan

For our 23rd anniversary, and our second during the pandemic, Kim and I decided to travel east to the recreation area of Lake Chelan. Popular in the summertime for what…

Papago park

The first week of November we traveled back to Arizona to visit friends and family. On two different days we ventured into the Papago Park area. The first time was…

Lava walk

For our last morning in Bend we drove south to the Newberry National Volcanic Monument. We wanted to visit the vast lava fields created during a major eruption some 7,000…

Drake Park

Our first few days in Bend were sunny and warm, but by the afternoon of day three the skies were grey and snowflakes were falling. We spent much of the…

Crater Lake

Our first day trip out of Bend was directly south to Crater Lake National Park. Created by the collapse of a large volcano some 7,000 years ago, the lake is…


When we moved to our current address some eight years ago, we didn’t have enough extra budget to remodel the kitchen along with the rest of house. This summer we…

Snowshoeing again

Another birthday, another snowshoeing trip. The day before my 50th birthday party, Jim and I drove east to Snoqualmie Pass and rented some gear to do a short snowshoeing outing.

Santa Barbara

For my 50th birthday weekend Kim and I flew south to Santa Barbara. It was a cool and rainy weekend, but we found plenty of things to see and do…